
our project


Pandemic preparedness

With globalization and climate change, the world is at higher risk of new viral outbreaks. Preventing new pandemics requires us to be prepared and act fast, before a new virus causes a new pandemic.

This is why EvaMobs is working on an innovative tool for the rapid and efficient development of new antivirals. This way, we can develop new antivirals fast, preventing a large viral outbreak.

A monobody (in pink) tightly bound to the
SARS-COV-2 receptor binding domain (in blue)


A novel platform to develop antivirals

EvaMobs is taking a new approach in antiviral development, by using evolvable monobodies, or “Mobs” for short. 

Mobs are small proteins that can be tailored to have a high affinity for any type of virus. In other words, by making specific changes to the framework of Mobs, this technology can be used to easily generate specific molecules that can “attack” and inactivate a particular virus.

Existing antiviral methods mostly use monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) or designed miniproteins (dMps). Mobs are an alternative to this. Mobs are smaller than mAbs, allowing for a lower dosage to use. In addition, Mobs are derived from a human protein, as opposed to the dMps, making Mobs less prone to evoke an immune response.

EvaMobs will combine artificial intelligence and structure-based computational design to develop a framework that can easily discover, produce and validate the most effective Mobs as new antivirals. 


Our research steps

Discovery of new

With a computational framework, millions of computer-designed Mobs will be discovered, and characterised.

Production of
          specific Mobs

A narrowed down selection of discovered Mobs will be produced.


The Mobs will undergo testing of the safety, efficacy and the dosage in preclinical models.

Phase 1 clinical

The most promising Mob will be tested for safe use in humans.

Discovery of new Mobs

With a computational framework, millions of computer-designed Mobs will be discovered, and characterised.

Production of specific Mobs

A narrowed down selection of discovered Mobs will be produced.

Preclinical validation

The Mobs will undergo testing of the safety, efficacy and the dosage in preclinical models.

Phase 1 clinical validation

The most promising Mob will be tested for safe use in humans.

Discovery of
new Mobs

With a computational framework, millions of computer-designed Mobs will be discovered, and characterised.

Production of
specific Mobs

A narrowed down selection of discovered Mobs will be produced.

Preclinical validation

The Mobs will undergo testing of the safety, efficacy and the dosage in preclinical models.

Phase 1
clinical validation

The most promising Mob will be tested for safe use in humans.


Work packages

EvaMobs has been divided into 6 work packages (WP), as described below:

WP1 – Discovery of new Mobs

In this work package, EvaMobs will leverage computational methods, including AI-and physics-based tools for developing a discovery framework capable of creating small proteins called monobodies (Mobs) ttailored to  effectively bind to a neutralizable target on the surface of a virus. This framework will be tested for 4 test-case viruses: SARS-CoV-2, Respiratory syncytial virus (one of the most common cold viruses), Influenza A Virus (flu), and Zika Virus to showcase that it can be adapted to different viruses, representing a broad-spectrum antiviral strategy.

This WP will generate Mob sequences and predict the structures of these Mobs in complex with the target that will be evaluated in WP2 and WP3, which in turn will provide experimental data that will allow the refinement of computational methods and increase its success rate. By implementing an efficient computational framework we will be able to drastically reduce the resources and time required for developing Mobs tailored for a given virus, even when it emerges unexpectedly.

Partners involved:

WP2 – Production of specific Mobs

EvaMobs will implement a high-throughput pipeline to produce and evaluate Mobs, testing their production yield, stability in solution (a pre-requisite for formulation as a biopharmaceutical), and binding activity.



Partners involved:


WP3 – Preclinical validation

In this work package, EvaMobs will determine the antiviral activity of at least 25 Mobs against SARS-CoV-2, Respiratory syncytial virus, Influenza A Virus, and Zika Virus.

After initial assessment in cells, the most promising Mobs will be evaluated for antiviral activity in preclinical models for virus replication, clinical outcomes, and immune responses. Altogether, these studies will provide information on safety and effective dosage levels to create a thorough preclinical report on a selected set of antiviral Mobs.

Partners involved:





WP4 – Phase 1 clinical validation

In this work package, EvaMobs will determine the antiviral activity of at least 25 Mobs against SARS-CoV-2, Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Influenza A Virus, and Zika Virus. Following the initial assessment in cells, the most promising Mobs will be evaluated for antiviral activity in preclinical models, focusing on virus replication, clinical outcomes, and immune responses. Altogether, these studies will provide information on safety and effective dosage levels, leading to the creation of a comprehensive preclinical report on a selected set of antiviral Mobs.

Partners involved:

WP5 – Communication and Dissemination

In this work package, plans for communication, dissemination, and future exploitation of project results will be established to increase the project’s visibility and maximise the uptake of results. This will include identifying target audiences to ensure effective communication and promote education on Mobs and pandemic preparedness. EvaMobs will engage with the general public, as well as the scientific community, industry, and regulatory and health authorities. Strategies for exploitation, IP protection, networking with SMEs for future clinical trials, and stakeholder engagement will also be outlined.

Partners involved:

For exploitation:

WP6 – Project management

This work package focuses on the management of EvaMobs to ensure efficient decision-making, communication, and successful project implementation.  It will include overseeing project progress, financial, administrative, and legal management, and ensure communication between partners and the European Commission.

The management structure of EvaMobs includes several committees that oversee scientific and technical work, management and communication ensuring the effective exploitation and dissemination of project results. Furthermore, the implementation of a FAIR Data Management Plan will facilitate data sharing in compliance with EU legislation on ethics and data protection.

Partners involved:

WP1 – Discovery of new Mobs

In this work package, EvaMobs will use computational and AI-based methods for developing a discovery framework capable of creating small proteins called monobodies (Mobs) that can effectively bind to and neutralize a virus. This framework will be tested for 4 test-case viruses: SARS-CoV-2, Respiratory syncytial virus (one of the most common cold viruses), Influenza A Virus (flu), and Zika Virus.

This involves generating and mutating Mob sequences, predicting their structures, ability to interact with viral components, and screening the best candidates.

The results will allow the refinement of computational methods to enhance the framework’s ability to predict and design the best Mobs. This means the framework will be able to predict and design Mobs that can bind well to the target virus, neutralize this virus, and is suitable for drug development.

Partners involved:

WP2 – Production of specific Mobs

EvaMobs will implement a pipeline to produce and evaluate Mobs, testing their binding activity, thermal stability, and aggregation propensity (the tendency of the protein to cluster together and form clumps).

Mobs will then be ranked based on their performance, and the most stable and high-affinity Mobs will be optimized for production. Promising Mobs will then be formulated for preclinical and clinical trials. The final selected Mob will be produced following good manufacturing practices (GMP) conditions for phase I clinical trials.

Partners involved:


WP3 – Preclinical validation

In this work package, EvaMobs will determine the antiviral activity of at least 25 Mobs against SARS-CoV-2, Respiratory syncytial virus, Influenza A Virus, and Zika Virus.

After initial assessment in cells, the most promising Mobs will be evaluated for antiviral activity in preclinical models for virus replication, clinical outcomes, and immune responses. Altogether, these studies will provide information on safety and effective dosage levels to create a thorough preclinical report on a selected set of antiviral Mobs.

Partners involved:





WP4 – Phase 1 Clinical Validation

In this work package, a Phase I clinical trial will be developed and conducted to evaluate the safety of a lead antiviral Mob in humans. Preparation for the clinical trial will be done according to ICH guidelines followed by submission to regulatory authorities.

After approval, the trial will be conducted and data will be collected and analysed to generate a comprehensive Clinical Study Report (CSR) with the final efficacy of the Mob.

Partners involved:

WP5 – Communication and Dissemination

In this work package, plans for communication, dissemination and future exploitation of project results will be established to increase the project’s visibility and maximize result uptake. This will include identifying target audiences to ensure effective communication and promote education on Mobs and pandemic preparedness. EvaMobs will engage with the general public, as well as the scientific community, industry and regulatory and health authorities.

Strategies for exploitation, IP protection, networking with SMEs for future clinical trials, and stakeholder engagement will also be outlined.

Partners involved:

For exploitation:

WP6 – Project management

This work package focuses on the management of EvaMobs to ensure efficient decision-making, communication, and successful project implementation.  It will include overseeing project progress, financial, administrative, and legal management, and ensure communication between partners and the European Commission.

The management structure of EvaMobs includes several committees that oversee scientific and technical work, management and communication ensuring the effective exploitation and dissemination of project results. Furthermore, the implementation of a FAIR Data Management Plan will facilitate data sharing in compliance with EU legislation on ethics and data protection.

Partners involved:


Job title at Institute

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